Yummly Wifi Smart Meat Thermometer. Will It Pass My Taste Test?!

Описание к видео Yummly Wifi Smart Meat Thermometer. Will It Pass My Taste Test?!

#yummly #yummy #meatthermometer #smartthermometer #wifimeatthermometer #smartmeatthermometer #perfectsteak #perfectgrilling #mediumrare #howtogrillsteak

My wife bought this gadget. The Yummly Wifi Smart Thermometer. I thought was just a novelty device, but I was really happy with the results! I will grill my steaks using this from now on.

@Gugafoods is where I learn about the picanha cut. It is FANTASTIC!

Yummly Smart Thermometer https://amzn.to/3IDf0z5


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