Make Up per la Scuola e tutti i Giorni

Описание к видео Make Up per la Scuola e tutti i Giorni

ciao ragazze!! eccomi di nuovo qui!! spero che il video vi piaccia e in arrivo tanti altri video :) un bacione!! spero che piaccia alla persona che mel ha chiesto ;) un bacio particolare alla mia amica Karen!!! ti voglio bene sister!! Disclaimer: As for the new FTC regulations introduced on Dec 1st 2009, Any views or opinion represented in this channel are my personal views, which implies I am responsible for them, not any of the mentioned cosmetic companies nor a mentioned online-shopping website. My YouTube channel contains my own opinions. This channel has not been generated to make money and I am NOT being paid by ANY Company to express my opinion on products, unless otherwise stated. All mentioned products have been paid for with my own money and not given to me free of charge by the Company.
Comments on this channel are the sole responsibility of their writers and the writer will take full responsibility, liability, and blame for any libel or litigation that results from something written in or as a direct result of something written in a comment


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