Описание к видео "Firefly" PERCUSSIVE ACOUSTIC GUITAR by Jim Green

TAB available at http://www.jimgreenmusic.com
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Filmed in Chicago, IL by Rooftop Sessions Chicago
Chicago native, Jim Green, a.k.a. THE WANDERING ENDORPHIN is a singer/songwriter who decided that the well-worn paths that other musicians adhere to were not the proper routes for his own creativity. His weapon of choice is the acoustic guitar, although he is no casual strummer. Rather, he attacks his instrument with both hands, drawing forth percussive rhythms, harmonics, and double pull-offs with a piano-like approach that often sounds like one more guitar than is actually playing. This is all done in real time with no sampling or looping devices to be found. The result is powerful acoustic folk/rock that is musically and visually stimulating.


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