Backbone [COVER]

Описание к видео Backbone [COVER]

art by pongy:

Hey guys. Ive been dwelling on announcing this but im just heading out from the undertale-music community. Ive been having a writers block for about half a year now, which is resulting to very little uploads on any platform. i havent found any creative desire to make anything plausible.

ive been in the undertale music community for near 5 years (beginning in early 2016) and i feel like ive served my full time here. Theres nothing left to do. im still pretty into undertale, however my passion in being in the fandom is wearing VERY slowly. i dont know what i'll do on youtube anymore. i might leave my channel as archived and start semi-fresh with different content on my "jon7 archive" channel.

anyway, yeah. its finally time to depart from this place, ill still be active on discord and such if anyone wants to chat. Cya


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