Plagioclase tutorial optical mineralogy

Описание к видео Plagioclase tutorial optical mineralogy

Several videos of plagioclase in thin section, showing typical textures and optical characteristics. Supported by Boise State University and the US National Science Foundation.
Key characteristics: low relief, colorless, low interference colors (maximum = white), twinning or zoning
00:00 Two grains, one with twins, one without
00:30 Single zoned and twinned grain
01:00 Single grain both twinned and untwinned
01:30 An untwinned grain with twinned grains around it
02:00 Strongly zoned (and twinned)
02:30 Typical plagioclase in a granite
03:00 Bizarre metamorphosed amygdule
03:31 Volcanic interlocking grains
04:01 With melt inclusions
04:31 Albite and pericline twins


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