Polar designer tutorial - with maps from JSplacement

Описание к видео Polar designer tutorial - with maps from JSplacement

a new interactive polar designer in PD Howler works great with many types of images and patterns, and especially with those created in JSplacement. The original saved size in JSplacement is 8kx8k. This may be a bit high for Dogwaffle's 32-bit framework but it can be done. You might want to avoid using undo memory in RAM, so use the option to place undo memory images onto disk. (especially if you ave an SSD or other fast disk). You also may need to increase the TDR delay when rendering in PuppyRay GPU. Here we may focus just on the Polar transformation, and then take it into Lightwave for rendering.

To load or save a large image such as 8kx8k to/from Dogwaffle, don't use FIle - Open and File-Save..., instead, use the General File Converter: File - General File Converter.

It acts as a stepping stone between the file system and Dogwaffle. It runs in its own addressspace, saving Dogwaffle 200-300 MB for an 8kx8k.
Also, don't store too many or any images at that size, it's another 300 MB.

Learn more at www.thebest3d.com/landscapes/8ktober


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