2 Step Verification Invalid Phone Number Fix for YouTube, Gmail - Activate without Phone Number

Описание к видео 2 Step Verification Invalid Phone Number Fix for YouTube, Gmail - Activate without Phone Number

Activate 2 step verification without phone number!

2 Step Verification Invalid Phone Number Fix for YouTube, all Google Accounts .
It is going to be very difficult for any internet resource person to do without a Google account(Gmail account). I for one, have at least four accounts from different email platforms. However, I can’t escape registering a Gmail account at least for the sake of YouTube Monetization.

Unfortunately, it is such a pain to try to enable, register or activate certain things online when you are residing in Nigeria. Such is the case with the extremely use 2-factor authentication which google call 2-Step Verification. In today’s post, I will give you a tip that will help you Fix the Google 2-Step Verification error message while trying to enable 2-step verification from Nigeria.

Two Factor Authentication, also known as 2FA, is an identity verification process that requires the access-requesting party (can be a person, software, or machine) to produce to the authenticating party two identifiers – two factors – that are linked to its identity, instead of the typical single identifier – usually a password – required by default in many systems.

Basically, 2FA is a security feature that allows you as a user, double authenticate your login to any platform, by using a unique code received via a message sent to your email or your phone number, to verify your login process. Several service providers like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and a host of others, strongly recommend that you secure your account using 2FA


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