Rest for Special Needs Families

Описание к видео Rest for Special Needs Families

Special needs families have lots of challenges that most people don't consider or recognize. This make these families feel alone or estranged from others.

But at Joni & Friends Family Retreat, they're allowed to truly relax and be who God made them to be, each in their own special way. We'd love to show you the beauty of Retreat.

//Memory Verse//

This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit. Showing yourselves to be my disciples.

John 15:8


Video by Jacob Powell
Music by ‪@MatthewWestOfficial‬, ‪@BlueWednesday‬
Thanks: Joni & Friends New England (‪@JoniandFriendsVideo‬), Hume Camp New England (‪@humechristiancamps‬)


Jacob—My biggest regret (that you'll notice if you have listen closely) is that I didn't use a dead cat when I should have. As a result, the audio leaves much to be desired. Live and learn, though.

Also, my tripod has a detachable monopod, and I was using it until I set it down (I think at Old Chapel) but I wasn't ever able to find it again lol.


#specialneeds #family #summercamp


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