World Of Warcraft Quest Info: Araj the Summoner

Описание к видео World Of Warcraft Quest Info: Araj the Summoner

Side: Horde
Start: Jearl Donald
End: Koltira Deathweaver

Kill Araj the Summoner. You may use Jearl's Hand Grenades to destroy Stickbone Berserkers.

With the animus destroyed, the next logical step is to take out Araj himself, and to take a shard of his phylactery. You've probably already seen him, lurking at the fountain in the center of town.
Take my grenades with you. They won't do anything to Araj, but if he decides to summon any of those skeletons, you can use them to blow them away. Again.

/*** All other languages ***/
DE: Araj der Beschwörer
ES: Araj el Invocador
FR: Araj l’invocateur
IT: Araj l'Evocatore
PT: Araj, o Evocador
RU: Араж Призыватель
KR: 소환사 아라즈
CN: 召唤者阿拉基


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