Tool Meets Metallica —-Looping Original

Описание к видео Tool Meets Metallica —-Looping Original

——-Tool-meets- Metallica ——-
Totallica? Jk 😂
It’s definitely weird lol

This is the kind of music I play for me. To me, it’s more of an afterthought. Some thoughts on my music journey for those who have been following and cheering me on. I thank you. 🙏🏻 You have become some of my best music friends. We all are connected through the sounds of time. 🎶

Learning to loop live is really fun.

I’m also happy that I’ve continued playing guitar for 5 years.

Heading into year 6 and I’m finally able to play the fretboard.

The reason I love art and music is for more reasons that I could write. Mainly it is because the possibilities are endless.

With music, we never stop growing. We keep getting better.

What we put into our instruments, we get back. It’s an equal partnership. It’s just like growing a garden….

The soil is the roots in which you lay the foundation for everything. Scales, etudes, arpeggios, listening to other music friends, asking questions etc.

How you lay the seeds are the goals that you put in your work. Do not practice without a purpose. Be diligent in what you do.

The water and good intentions is how often you practice. You can’t water it too much or you become worn out. You can’t retain all the information. You need to allow your brain time to rest as you build up the myelin sheath inside your brain. You can’t not water it, or your calluses wear off-you have to find balance.

So on and so forth——my grandma Noni taught me that practicing less with more focus is better than practicing longer with no thought.
She’s right. I spent hundreds of hours practicing viola and piano when I was younger, eventually adding voice and other instruments in Highschool/college.

I picked up a guitar a couple times but I just couldn’t do it.

Then, when I started teaching at my current school. I learned how to play drums. The hippocampus in my brain connected and I was able to start guitar. Everything made sense.
I started composing, the poetry I was told didn’t follow the correct patterns made sense through song. The only thing I couldn’t do still was improv on my viola. The better I got at drums, the better I became at guitar and viola. It’s all connected.

I’m finally able to listen more. Listen to effects and things. Maybe it’s because I am losing my hearing. Maybe it’s because my Hyperacousis isn’t as bad due to a little hearing loss from it. Maybe it’s that I’ve finally put in enough hours that I don’t make as many mistakes.

This was my first time looping this song and soloing over it.

Thanks for listening and reading!


For those of you that are lost-try something new in the music world, let it inspire you and then come back. I promise it will work if you do it with intention of discovery.

#idaho #looping #songwriting #instrumental ?

Ms. Adele Mae Rose

1:46 is when I start really enjoying it


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