Football Stadium with the Fastest Construction Time in the World (30.000 Attendance Capacity)

Описание к видео Football Stadium with the Fastest Construction Time in the World (30.000 Attendance Capacity)

Integral Spor builds and delivers the 30.000 attendace capacity stadium projects around 12 months depending on the project country with its experienced #installation #team. Contact us for more detailed information about our cost-effective #stadium projects that impress with their #design.

•Delivery in 12 months
•High-strength galvanized coated steel tribunes for 30.000 people
•Roof system with calculated snow load and wind effect
•Thermal insulated roof coating
•5.150 m² of living space and equipment (Dressing rooms, Audience toilets, Fitness halls, Saunas, Office areas, etc.)
•Making the football field ground by making grass application in FIFA standards
•Football goal, corner post, bench, medical team huts
•Foldable and fixed audience seats
•Vip and protocol tribunes
•Lodge tribunes
•Press tribunes
•Live television and radio broadcast areas
•Perimeter LED billboards and LED scoreboards
•Stadium lighting system at the level of HD broadcast
•Speaker system for audio broadcasts

#stadium #football #construction
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