AZ Sanitation: International McNeilus RL

Описание к видео AZ Sanitation: International McNeilus RL

First off, this was the very first time using my new external mic and it kind of screwed up bad, you can hear the right side of the audio cuts out a lot. I highly recommend listening with speakers rather than headphones, it's not as noticeable/annoying

This route is literally built for a Curotto Can or Manual / Automated truck. But it's so much cooler seeing an RL out doing manual, underground cans, and semi-auto. So no complaints there.

This is another one of those trucks and routes we'd never know about if it wasn't for the countless hours spent on Google and Bing Maps. So thank you to Refuse Arizona / JaccobDalton for finding this truck along this route back in July 2012. I recently figured out which HOA it was found in and emailed them for route days. Luck was on my side and I decided to go out and film this route on president's day. I almost immediately found this truck - exiting the neighborhood to go to the transfer station.

Fairly interesting truck I guess, not a rare combo by any stretch of the imagination, but the odd tipper makes it a bit unique. Pretty fast helper too, and semi-auto is something hard to find in Arizona so all in all I found this pretty entertaining to follow. Hope you enjoy the video as much as I did following them...


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