Kirby Super Star - Decisive Battle! Vs. King Dedede - Remix

Описание к видео Kirby Super Star - Decisive Battle! Vs. King Dedede - Remix

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Apparently, the iconic King Dedede theme has changed over the years. In the original Kirby's Dreamland, it was only, like, a 30 second loop or something. Maybe 45 seconds. It wasn't 'till Super Star until the folks over at HAL Laboratory were like "Dudes let's make this more of a full-fledged song and stuff and things, it'll be totes radical," and then BA-BLAM! King Dedede's theme, on that fateful day, was transformed into what we know and love it for as of today. I'm glad they added what they did, I like those extra parts.

Not that I used said extra parts in this remix very often, but I still like them. :)

... Anyway, that was just something random I learned today while trying to figure out what to name the video, haha. Um, onto talking about the mix, I guess.

It's electro-house inspired, I tried to be all hip-like with the section that comes after the "drop", and the first bass present in the song might be too quiet. I can't tell. I'll make changes if I get a consensus, because as of right now I'm not really 100% positive on what actually needs fixing in the mixing department and stuff. Um. I think, though, minus the flaws technically with this remix, I'm content with the concept and structure. In a way. There's one section in particular that could probably have something added, and the intro is way too lazy, but it's aight. I don't think this is one of my worse-er mixes, anyway.

... Worse-er. I'm not drunk, just slightly tired. Ssshhh. :P

There's a reference in this one, for once! It's actually the remnants of what I was originally going to remix, fun fact. Also as a hint, the reference is from the Kirby franchise, as well. Happy reference hunting, and enjoy the remix! ;)


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