Footage from the Titanic Struggle of B-R (1080p available)

Описание к видео Footage from the Titanic Struggle of B-R (1080p available)

1080p recommended! Since we support neither of the coalitions, a late night trip to B-R with a scout provided a chance to sit back and enjoy the view. Besides, one of my missions is always to remind people that Eve is not only one of the most tactically deep games ever created but also boasts some of the grandest scenes in MMO gaming. A 4K gallery of the battle is available here:

The battle is between the coalitions of CFC/RUS/BL and N3/PL. A new record of 75 titans died in the fight, with 59 kills for the former against 16 kills for the latter. More information at:

The footage here mostly varies between real-time and 200% to compensate for fluctuations in Time Dilation, i.e. not very sped up or altered and a fairly close approximation of the feel of the battle. Music is Arcana's 'Chant of the Awakening'.

If anyone unfamiliar with Eve is viewing this and is curious about the mechanics, a video like CC3 or Anatomy of a Fight will show more about the nature of the game's campaigns and battles:    • Rooks and Kings: Clarion Call 3 (1080...  


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