Flosstube #22: A long overdue catch up featuring 4 new starts and a finish!

Описание к видео Flosstube #22: A long overdue catch up featuring 4 new starts and a finish!

I'm back!! Join me for a long-overdue catch up.

Retreats and events mentioned:
TurtleBay Textiles Open Day:   / 1051349006338823  
Lady Bird Retreat Crewe:   / 1284615952063086  
Loopy Loos Retreat Cardiff:   / 2549931105174307  
Stitch In London: https://stitchesanddiamonds.com/blogs...
Floss Friends Retreats:   / 732442504566327  

Flosstubers Mentioned:

Threads for "Summer Refreshes" from ‪@theblackneedlesociety7576‬ vault at https://www.theblackneedlesociety.com... - use code TALKINGDOG5 to get 5% off any vault purchases!


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