Devil on fire: Akram sets fire to the house of snakes around her house

Описание к видео Devil on fire: Akram sets fire to the house of snakes around her house

Hello to you all dear friends. Welcome to DORUD channel 💙💛 .
Akram, a nomadic woman, lives in an area where many dangerous snakes roam around her house. These snakes pose a serious threat to her family. Today, to protect her home and family, Akram decided to drive all the snakes away. Using a traditional method, she began burning all the gaps between the stones around her nomadic house to keep these dangerous creatures at bay.

Akram's action was not only to repel the snakes but also as a way to ward off evil spirits and negative energies from her home. In nomadic life, such methods, inherited from past generations, represent a blend of practical knowledge and cultural beliefs that help maintain the safety and peace of nomadic families. By doing this, Akram ensured the security and well-being of her nomadic home, demonstrating how old traditions and knowledge can effectively address everyday challenges.
In this channel, we are going to learn about the culture and tradition of rural people. Akram and her family are a charming and lovely family who live in a village in the mountains of Iran and are going to share their daily life with us.🌸💜🌸
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