【How to change trains at JR Tokyo Station Yokosuka Sobu rapid Line】 Tokyo Station Vol.3 東京駅/横須賀総武乗換

Описание к видео 【How to change trains at JR Tokyo Station Yokosuka Sobu rapid Line】 Tokyo Station Vol.3 東京駅/横須賀総武乗換

In this video, we will introduce the transfer of theYokosuka Line/ Sobu rapid Line Platform.
The Yokosuka Line / Sobu rapid Line Service operates directly, and the route from Yokosuka to Chiba is very long.
Rapid driving to Chiba within the Sobu Line.
There are also limited express trains such as Narita Express.

Them let's look at the station map of Tokyo Station.
Yokosuka Line / Sobu rapid Line platform is located away from the Shinkansen platform and deeper underground.

Well then, walk towards the Marunouchi Central Exit.
If you follow the red airplane mark on the floor, there is no doubt.

Please don’t exit the ticket gate, use the escalator or stairs on the right side to get down to the basement.
When you go down to the basement, you will reach the Marunouchi underground central passage.

In the Marunouchi basement, there are the South, North, and Central ticket gates.
To go to the Yokosuka Line and Sobu rapid Line Platform,
please go down to the basement without exiting the ticket gate.

Get off the escalator again, Platform 1 and 2 are Yokosuka Line.
Yokosuka Line is bound for Kurihama, through Yokohama and Kamakura.
Some Sobu Line rapid trains and limited express Shiosai also stop.

Platform 3 and 4 are the Sobu rapid Line.
Bound for Chiba, Sakura and Narita.
To go to Narita Airport with Narita Express,
please use Platform 3 and 4.

"How to transfer to JR Tokyo Station . Vol.1 "
   • 【How to change traines at JR Tokyo St...  

"How to transfer to JR Tokyo Station . Vol.2 "
   • 【How to change trains at JR Tokyo Sta...  

#TokyoStation#JapaneseTrains#Yokosuka Sobu rapid Line


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