swcwalks, book 1, walk 37, Southbourne to Chichester. 19/5/22

Описание к видео swcwalks, book 1, walk 37, Southbourne to Chichester. 19/5/22

A wonderful walk, on a lovely afternoon, which this walker last did 13 years ago. Officially 11.5 miles, this walker inadvertently turned it into a 15.6 miler by not keeping his eye on the GPX track!
Soon after leaving Southbourne station, the walker is harbourside (with another Cuckoo heard!), and the walking should be pretty simple, but it's important to go down some earthen steps at the appropriate point!
There are great views across the harbour, and plenty of birdlife at this time of year.
Due to the enforced navigational delay, lunch is had at Chidham church.
After lunch, it's round the harbour, slightly inland and through the delightful village of Bosham, which is where lunch is usually had; either in the pub, or several other places.
Thereafter, the scenery changes to more agricultural terrain for a few miles until the harbour appears again, near Fishbourne. A visit is made to the Roman villa, and then it's on through residential streets back to the station.
Unfortunately, there was no time to capture the cathedral on this occasion.
A delightful walk with lots of variety. The various tidal possibilities mean certain sections can get flooded, but there are options (unless you end up at Cobnor Point, where there aren't at high tide!).
P.S. Some wind interference on commentary. The bird that couldn't be identified at the time is believed to be a Linnet, rather then a Redpoll.


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