Installation guidance Colorex SD / EC ESD Flooring | Forbo Flooring Systems

Описание к видео Installation guidance Colorex SD / EC ESD Flooring | Forbo Flooring Systems

The appearance, performance and durability of the installed floorcovering will be determined to a large extent by the quality of the prepared subfloor and the conditions in which they are laid. As with any resilient floor covering
irregularities in the subfloor will be apparent in the finished flooring.
The installation of Colorex SD & EC tiles should be carried out in accordance with the national code of practice for the installation of resilient floor coverings if applicable. Areas to receive flooring should be clean, free from other trades, fully enclosed and weather tight. Subfloors should be clean and free of contaminants, smooth, sound, even and permanently dry. Maximum residual moisture for subfloors without floor heating:
• 2.5% CM for concrete
• 0.5% CM for anhydrite screed

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