Peace Through Agriculture: How Food Security Can Help Post-Confli...

Описание к видео Peace Through Agriculture: How Food Security Can Help Post-Confli...

On December 3, USIP and Roots of Peace hosted a critical conversation on the intersection between food security, climate change and conflict resolution. International experts discussed the nexus of food security, climate and conflict; the role of agriculture in peacebuilding; and how farmers and producers can be essential partners for sustainable peace.

How Agriculture Contributes to Peace

Katy Crosby
Senior Director, U.S. Policy and Advocacy, MercyCorps
Matthew Nims
Director of Washington Office, World Food Programme
Ann Vaughan
Deputy Assistant Administrator, USAID Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security
Mona Yacoubian, moderator
Vice President, Middle East and North Africa Center, U.S. Institute of Peace

For more information about this event, please visit:


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