Sonic.EXE Triple Trouble Encore (100k Sub Celebration) - FIXED Version

Описание к видео Sonic.EXE Triple Trouble Encore (100k Sub Celebration) - FIXED Version


The full Triple Trouble ENCORE is finally here! Thank you all for helping me reach this big milestone and maybe there will be something bigger than this at 200k.

Big thanks to the charters who worked on this:

Kool-Aid - Charted Tails/Eggman Section

   / @kool-aidd  

Hreds - Charted Xenophane Sections


Cooldude81 - Charted Knuckles Section


Klutzy - Charted Alpha


Reuploaded due to audio issue

0:00 Credits
0:10 Tails - TT Encore Forest
1:44 Xeno
2:10 Knuckles - Scrap Brain Zone
4:42 Xeno - Scrap Brain Zone
5:35 Eggman - Marble Zone
7:31 Xeno - TT Encore Forest
8:28 Final Stand
9:20 Finale

Cool people who made the remixes/song:

Marstarbro: Xenophanes Sections
   / marstarbro  
  / marstarbro120  

Saster: Xenophanes Sections
   / @sastersub0ru  

Punkett: Knuckles Section
   / @punkett  

Algo: Xenophanes Last Part
   / @fake_ruby  

Shekkai47DidIt : Tails Section
   / @maureeshekkaimusic  

AlexPlus80: Eggman Section
   / @alexplus801  

PhantomPraetor: Finale Section | Scrapped Exeternal TT Encore
   / @phantompraetor  

Download Link:

Modified Lua scripts used:

n_bonnie2 - Ring Script
Unholywanderer04 - Ratings Script
JogadorIce - Credit Script
Rodney - Flx Trail


   / @leeflett  
Tails Sprites

Xenophanes Sprites
The Last Round Demo

Eggman/Knuckles Sprites

Background Art TT Assets / BF Encore
   / @commandodev_  

Hev Bf Sprites


Tix Bro
Background Art

Isotope BF Sprites
Hypnos Lullaby v2 mod

Haxe Shaders made by Yoshicrafter

There is no video editing for the effects that are showcased.

SUBSCRIBE to reach the next big milestone!

Channel Gist:

My channel focuses on creating videos with modifications to a rhythmic game called Friday Night Funkin'. These modifications include the art, music, and general style and theme being changed throughout the various videos I record and edit. My content is often used as a guides as they show the full playthrough of what I record, as well as making sure that my videos are well made through my editing style that focuses on being direct to my audience and to often immerse the viewer with effects that make my content more enjoyable to watch. All content showcased on my channel is recorded, played through and edited by me.

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