Automate Your Dust Collection with iVac

Описание к видео Automate Your Dust Collection with iVac

Who is Marc Spagnuolo? Watch Behind the Scenes with a YouTube veteran and find out!
   • Behind the Scenes with a Youtube Veteran   -~-
Plain English Disclosure: iVac provided the materials for the installation and paid for this video feature. They did not pay for my opinion. So if you have a question or concern about the system, please feel free to ask. 

This video was filmed over a month ago and I've had some additional time to get to know the system in my shop.  So far, so good. I've had one instance of a blast gate not opening when it was supposed to and it was just a matter of pushing on the movable metal plate to get it working again. Also, my "heads up" in the video about the cords and power requirements still stands. If you cluster your tools like I do, you'll need to plan for the additional receptacles and cord management. Overall, I'm happy with the system and it's great not having to hunt around for a remote anymore! The biggest challenge with this system is the price. If you're looking for basic automation, the simple iVac Automated Vacuum Switch is probably a good bet. But if you're planning on outfitting a full ducted shop, it's going to be a sizable investment. 

This video serves as a quick overview of how I installed the iVac system in my shop and is not intended as a replacement for the instructions provided by the company. Below are some links to the products shown in the video.

iVac Automated Vacuum Switch -
iVac Pro Tool Plus Sensor -
iVac 4” Blast Gate -
iVac 4” Metal Blast Gate -
iVac 6” Metal Blast Gate -
iVac 115-Volt Switch -
iVac 240-Volt Switch -


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