Catching a Red Tailed Hawk For Falconry!

Описание к видео Catching a Red Tailed Hawk For Falconry!

Falconry is something I wanted to try my whole life. I have always been fascinated by wild animals, especially predator species that need to hunt to survive. After jumping through dozens of legal hoops i finally managed to get my falconry licence and will be working along side a biologist to capture and raise a young Red Tailed Hawk for the ancient sport of Falconry. The purpose of this video is to introduce you guys to what we are doing and why we re doing it. After a few long frustrating days spent stalking Red Tails around Washington with my sponsor, my wife and I teamed up and caught the perfect bird early Saturday morning. Shes a beautiful immature Red Tailed Hawk. She has parasites and likely wouldn't have made it through winter so I'm glad we were able to intercept her. I know there are those out there who feel that this is wrong, however before you cast judgement let me briefly explain. Falconry is only legal because it actually helps preserve the species and has been proven to better the animals health and life span tremendously. 80-90% of juvenile Red tail hawks die within the first year due to human influences and natural causes (traffic, pesticides, poisons, pollution, poaching as well as starvation, freezing to death, illness, predators ect. Of the 10% that make it to adulthood 90-99% die within the first 5 years. Falconry is about conservation. By only taking a red tail from the wild when it's less then a year old but has left the nest means that chances are I just saved that hawks life statistically speaking. We will have her healthy and trained in three short weeks and she will be back to free flying and hunting again, only this time she will recognize me as her hunting partner and will hopefully chooses to return. The bird decides on it's own that it prefers its living conditions with me over the wild and chooses to return. Otherwise its literally free to go when ever it wants. In four years I will release her when shes healthy and ready to mate and she will go back to being a wild bird without issues. The Peregrine falcon was brought back from the brink of extinction almost entirely by falconry enthusiast who devoted their time to capture and raise their Falcons through till sexual maturity before releasing them. If it wasnt for falconry those birds would be gone. If humans hadn't already messed everything up with our chemicals, pest control, roads, traffic, over development (which eradicates the prey species ) I would say we should just let nature be. But unfortunately humans already fucked everything up so it's up to better humans to make it right. Not everyone will understand but that's ok. Thanks for watching! This link will take you to an excellent resource if you're considering getting involved in the sport of falconry.

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