Building a predator-proof chicken coop run

Описание к видео Building a predator-proof chicken coop run

We purchased our chicken coop from Bombshell Chix in Loomis, CA. Check her out online at

We built our run on the cheap in less than 8 hours. This video is a high-level look at the steps we took to build our chicken run. For more details, please leave any questions in the comments below.

CaliCluckers is a channel devoted to our family and our chickens. We're a small homestead based in northern California. We're raising many different breeds of chickens, including Australorps, Wyandottes, Ameracaunas, Speckled Sussex, Rhode Island Reds, Cochins, Buff Orpingtons, and more. We're excited to take our audience through the unique experience of raising chickens in our suburban California neighborhood. Join us as we learn to live in harmony with our feathered friends!

Our goal is to post once a week. Keep an eye out for our next adventure!

Thanks for watching!


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