Armenian Churches in Iran

Описание к видео Armenian Churches in Iran

'St. Yohannes Church''
35 km from Tabriz, located in a village called Sohrol in the city of Shabestar. This church is located in the following geographic coordinates.

N 38* 17' 53" - E 46* 11' 47"

This church belongs to the Armenian Apostolic Church. Armenians are the only members of the Armenian Apostolic Church.
This building was built in 1840 on the ruins of a church from the 5th and 6th centuries.

'Holy Herypsima Church'
located about 30 km from Tabriz, the stone facade of an old church can be seen in the following geographic coordinates:

N 38* 22' 15" - E 46* 13' 56"

Mojumbar or Holy Herypsima Church
This church probably took its name from Herypsima, the daughter of Ashot I, the king of Armenia.

Video by Elham Asadi & Sherwin Baradaran
Narrated by Aideen Kaymus

Music: Sherwin Baradaran

#ancientpersia #christianity #iranianchurch


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