VirtualCare - The Allegra Telehealth Solution. Access to GP consultations in your pharmacy clinic.

Описание к видео VirtualCare - The Allegra Telehealth Solution. Access to GP consultations in your pharmacy clinic.

Do you need a prescription, a sick note, or a referral letter for your patient?
Introducing VirtualCare our telemedicine software that will conveniently give you access to a Gp.

Do you have patients that need to renew their chronic medication prescription?
Our VirtualCare doctor can assist to issue chronic and acute medicine prescriptions.

Say goodbye to long queues and hello to convenience.

Consult with an online GP concerning minor ailments, regular check-ups, and preventative care. No need to send your patients away when they need a chronic repeat prescription, acute medication prescription, or a vaccination prescription. You can now offer this conveniently in your clinic.

Ask us about getting VirtualCare software in your pharmacy or pharmacy clinic and take care of all your patients healthcare needs.

To find out more, visit our website at or email [email protected]. You can also reach us at +27 (0) 86 122 2985

Allegra: At the Heart of Communication and Collaboration.
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