Sabine realises climate models have a nasty secret. But slightly misses the point.

Описание к видео Sabine realises climate models have a nasty secret. But slightly misses the point.

Sabine Hossenfelder is my favourite science youtuber and she did an excellent video on the short-comings of climate models. But I reckon she doesn't quite appreciate that the problem is far deeper than just a dodgy graph that almost looks like it was designed to obscure the model shortcomings.

I'd be delighted if Sabine would like to discuss this and other matters in person. She could do a video on the Great Barrier Reef - if she wants to look at other dodgy science.

Sabine Hossenfelder original videos
   • This Climate Graph has a Nasty Secret  
   • My dream died, and now I'm here  

Climate models from IPCC Report figure 3.4 on page 435:

Dr Peter Ridd has been researching the Great Barrier Reef since 1984, has invented a range of advanced scientific instrumentation, and written over 100 scientific publications. He has lectured geophysical fluid dynamics, meteorology and oceanography since the 1990s.
Since being fired by James Cook University for raising concerns about science quality assurance issues, Peter Ridd receives no payment for any of the work he does.
Also see   / projectforrealsciencereefrebels  


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