Resep AYAM GORENG LENGKUAS & Sambal Bawang [Bisa Frozen Food]

Описание к видео Resep AYAM GORENG LENGKUAS & Sambal Bawang [Bisa Frozen Food]

**English description is at the bottom section.**
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00:00 : intro
01:19 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:27 : membuat bumbu halus dan masak (making and cooking the blended spices)
03:42 : blender lengkuas dan masak (blending and cooking the galangal)
04:38 : masak ayam (braising the chicken)
07:05 : susutkan air ungkepan (reducing the braising liquid)
07:53 : goreng ayam (frying the chicken)
08:27 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)

#ResepAyamGorengLengkuas #ResepAyamGoreng #ResepDevinaHermawan


Resep Ayam Goreng Lengkuas (8 potong)

2 ekor ayam pejantan, potong
1 liter air kelapa
1 ½ sdt garam
1 sdt kaldu ayam bubuk / penyedap
½ sdt merica
200 gr lengkuas
250 ml air

Bumbu halus:
3 batang serai, geprek
5 lembar daun salam
10 butir kemiri
10 siung bawang putih
10 siung bawang merah
2 sdt ketumbar
50 ml minyak
8 gr terasi (opsional)

Sambal bawang    • Awet TANPA Pengawet! Resep SAMBAL BAW...  
Minyak untuk menggoreng

1. Potong lengkuas mengikuti serat, blender dengan menggunakan air dan jangan terlalu halus
2. Masukkan bawang merah, bawang putih, kemiri, ketumbar dan minyak kedalam blender kemudian haluskan
3. Tumis bumbu halus hingga wangi dengan api kecil hingga setengah kering, masukkan serai dan daun salam kemudian tumis lagi hingga matang
4. Tambahkan terasi dan air kelapa aduk rata
5. Masukkan lengkuas, masak hingga bumbu matang
6. Masukkan ayam lalu bumbui dengan garam, penyedap dan merica dan aduk rata kemudian masak dengan api sedang hingga air setengah susut
7. Sisihkan ayam, daun salam dan serai
8. Masak bumbu hingga kering dengan api besar hingga air hampir habis kemudian kecilkan api dan masak hingga kering sambil terus diaduk-aduk
9. Setelah bumbu mengeluarkan minyak, matikan api dan sisihkan
10. Goreng ayam dan bumbu hingga kecoklatan lalu tiriskan
11. Sajikan ayam goreng dengan sambal bawang sebagai pelengkap

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Galangal Fried Chicken Recipe (yield: 8 pieces)

2 pc rooster, chopped
1 L coconut water
1.5 tsp salt
1 tsp chicken stock powder / flavor enhancer
½ tsp pepper
200 g galangal
250 ml water

Blended spices:
3 pc lemongrass, pounded
5 pc bay leaf
10 pc candlenut
10 clove garlic
10 pc shallot
2 tsp coriander
50 ml oil
8 g shrimp paste (optional)

Sambal Bawang
Oil for frying

1. Slice the galangal along the grains. Blend with water, not too smoothly.
2. Add the shallots, garlic, candlenuts, coriander, and oil into the blender. Blend until smooth.
3. Sauté the blended spices until fragrant on low heat until half-reduced, then add the lemongrass and bay leaves. Sauté until it’s cooked through.
4. Add the shrimp paste and coconut water in. Stir.
5. Add the galangal in. Cook it through.
6. Add the chicken in. Season with salt, flavor enhancer, and pepper. Stir and cook on medium heat until the water is reduced by half.
7. Remove the chicken, bay leaves, and lemongrass from the pot.
8. Reduce the braising liquid on high heat until the water is almost completely reduced. Lower the heat and reduce completely while stirring.
9. After oil seeps out of the reduced liquid, turn the heat off and set aside.
10. Fry the chicken and braising dregs until browned. Set aside.
11. Serve the fried chicken with Sambal Bawang on the side.


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