Brides of the Nile dancing the Sudanese Bridal Dance

Описание к видео Brides of the Nile dancing the Sudanese Bridal Dance

I hesitated a lot before uploading this clip cause I think it crosses some of my personal limits of what can/can't be uploaded but hey, I am in a good mood today. The clip stirred lots of discussions throughout the Sudanese cyber world cause unlike what the brides of the Nile are portraying the dance to be, your average Sudanese considers these kind of dances private and itimate dances (not cultural) performed in confined intimate environments for a selected group of people. I believe this kind of dance can only be found in the Northern Sudanese culture, some say it originated from old Egyptians and Nubians. The dance is not too popular nowadays and most families that holds the ceremony limits the audiences to females only, I guess you all know why, don't you?


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