Goldem Sun (2001,GBA)(17): Learning "Reveal" ability and Saving Hsu.

Описание к видео Goldem Sun (2001,GBA)(17): Learning "Reveal" ability and Saving Hsu.

After learning the " Lift" ability in Altin, Isaac and the others arrive at Lama Temple and meet with Master Hama. She explains that she to is a Jupiter Adept, just like Ivan. She also says that she was expecting them; One of the special powers of the Jupiter Adept. Much to Ivan's surprise.

After more cut scene, Hama teaches Ivan the Reveal ability, which allows things hidden to the normal eye to be revealed. Hama tells them that this ability will come in handy in the treacherous Lamakan Desert.

Feizhi comes running in, and asks Hama for help in saving Hsu, who is trapped under a rockslide. The groups also decide to help out the others in saving Hsu by using the Lift ability to move the heavy rock.

Returning to the Temple, Hama thanks the group for their help. Hama again reminds them that they must make use of the Reveal ability while travelling through the Lamakan Desert, which is the next destination.


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