How He Built a Tiny House Empire|Emotional & Funny Interview| Modern Tiny LivingTiny House Talk Show

Описание к видео How He Built a Tiny House Empire|Emotional & Funny Interview| Modern Tiny LivingTiny House Talk Show

Join us for an unforgettable episode of The Tiny House Talk Show as we chat with Trent Haery, the founder of Modern Tiny Living. Discover how he went from having big dreams to building a tiny empire, one tiny home at a time. From funny mishaps to heartwarming anecdotes, Trent shares the highs and lows of his journey in the tiny house industry. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll come away inspired by his unyielding passion for tiny living. So tune in and learn why Trent Haery is a force to be reckoned with in the world of tiny homes.

And you can't dump anything on the ground here because you'll affect the groundwater. So that's not it's not just, you know, everything's California is really sticky about environmental laws and things. Well, Colorado's right lockstep with them because we have very, very limited resources here. Everybody's drinking water is affected by what we do to the water here.

00:45:42:15 - 00:46:07:14
And that all goes downstream all the way out to the ocean. So hopefully no train derailments, you know, anyway. Wow, I won't derail our conversation. Yeah, that's that's that's a that's an absolute nightmare. Yeah. And a and a shame. And lots of people should be ashamed in art. I'm sure that'll be that'll be the next podcast. That'll be the third.

00:46:07:14 - 00:46:31:03
That'll installment three. That'll be the number. Oh yeah. And this many period, the two. Yeah. We'll figure out the math, but it's definitely that's a longer conversation for another time when we're on. Yeah, well we'll have to get stoned for that one. Yeah. When you don't have to drive, we are going to get blase. I mean, reminds what I said.

00:46:31:03 - 00:46:47:22
I'm in. You're in? Oh, I thought you said you admit. Yeah, you're. You're in. I'm glad. All right, so I'll get Natalie to get that on the on the show calendar and have a fly out to wait. Is it legal to have weed in Ohio? It's mostly I think is. Yeah, it's legal ish. Legal when you're with me, for sure.

00:46:47:23 - 00:47:19:13
It's decriminalized when? With you? Yeah. Yeah. Still a misdemeanor If it's under my I'm still battle so high childhood asthma so I can only like get the you know, the happy stuff out like once every month or two. I mean it'll be too, it'll be a special occasion. I understand. Yeah. I'll, I'll even, I'll even. Yeah. It'll be especially special both that I keep my albuterol inhaler right on him.

00:47:19:13 - 00:47:36:22
Well, man, it was let's, let's get this done Is it was great to talk with you. I am. I'm always fascinated to spend time in a room talking with you because I don't have the slightest idea what's coming out of your face next. But I always, always enjoy it. I try. I tried to forewarn you. You did. And you did it.

00:47:36:22 - 00:48:00:19
You reeled it in so tight for this. I'm waiting for the after podcast after party thing where we do episode two and we. Yeah, because we were we were pretty pretty rotten before we started filming. And I imagine we'll get pretty rotten again before you get the truck and start driving until sunrise. Hey, it's been four years. We got a lot of a lot of stuff to catch up, a lot of catching up to do.

00:48:00:19 - 00:48:22:11
And thanks for coming on the show is great to see you. Thanks, brother. Keep killing it. Modern, tiny living. You guys are absolute beasts. You're bad asses. It's it's fun to see our kids kind of grow up and outshine us. And you guys. And you've been here a half as long as we have. And you're. You're doing. You're doing the biggest things in the business that that people talk about.

00:48:22:11 - 00:48:41:04
So keep doing what you're doing. You're obviously doing it right. Thanks, brother. I'm just trying to contribute. I just want to be a good citizen. Hey, I mean, honestly, I always when I when I'm with the other guys at the shows and the conventions and I always tell them, hey, we're all in this together. I mean, yes, they're going to make it or we're not.

00:48:42:08 - 00:49:02:13
You know, that's we're too small to look at each other as to the issue or the carpet, the big competition. I'm like, trust me, there's no big competition. You know, there's no big competition over here either. The Industry is going to survive and thrive, and then we're all positioned well. Yeah, or it's not. And we're all in the same boat.

00:49:02:13 - 00:49:15:16
So that's. That's it. Well, I'll be get mobbed up later. Resume. That's it. You're going to be busy. Yeah. My that's watching. That was your fault, right. I mean a good scene. Yeah. Thanks a lot, brother. You bet. Thank you.

The Tiny House Experts

Tiny house,
Tiny home,
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Minimalist living,
Off-grid living,
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Sustainable living,
Alternative living,
RV living,
Tiny house on, wheels,
DIY tiny house,
Tiny house communities,

Affordable housing,
Portable homes


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