Daniel 11 Prophecy Explained in 5 minutes!

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Crash course on Daniel 11, the most detailed prophecy in the Bible explained in 5 minutes!
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This #prophecy was given in 538 BCE, the year the Babylonian Empire was conquered by Cyrus the Great (also known as #DhulQarnayn, which means the two-horned one, and he is mentioned also in the Quran). The prophecy begins by stating that the 4th king of the Persian Empire, who was Xerxes I, would assemble a mighty army composed of all parts of his realm and invade Greece, which happened as predicted in 480. This mighty, multi-ethnic army is depicted on Xerxes tomb in Naqsh-e Rustam, Iran.

Next, Alexander the Great was predicted, whose empire was divided up into four kingdoms upon his death in 323. Two of those rival kingdoms, that of the Ptolemy’s, the King of the South in Egypt, and the Seleucids, the King of the North, struggled to control the glorious land of Daniel's homeland. Gabriel’s revelation to Daniel covers the political intrigues and battles fought during this time in great detail. A major figure in this part of the prophecy is #Antiochus III, who assassinated his brother and then led troops in the Battle of Raphia, near the Gaza border of Egypt in 217. Next, the Battle of Panium in 200 is especially intriguing because for the first time, heavily armored cavalry, called cataphracts were used, just as Gabriel predicted, giving the victory to Antiochus. Again we find that peace is attempted, this time when Antiochus gives his daughter, Cleopatra I, in marriage to Ptolemy V. After conquering the land, Antiochus turns his forces westward to the Aegean, but his conquests are put to an end by the Roman commander Scipio Asiaticus. Defeated, Antiochus is forced to pay war reparations and dies in his homeland in 187.

The prophecy then shifts to the new King of the North: Rome. Verse 20 of the prophecy speaks of one who imposes taxes and this is none other than Caesar Augustus, mentioned by name in the Gospel (or #Injeel) of Luke chapter 2 where we read that Maryam registers for this tax in Bethlehem where #Yeshua, #IsaalMasih, is born. Verses 21-22 speak of Tiberius, the next Roman Emperor who never obtained the full titles of royalty. During his reign, Yeshua, the “prince of the Covenant” as the prophecy calls him, gave his spirit to #Yahweh Allah, who raised Yeshua to Himself in 31 CE.

The following verses speak of the peaceful replacement of the pagan Roman Empire by the papal Roman Empire, which continues to this day. But the main focus of this part of the prophecy is three periods of crusades by this King of the North; the first of which were the crusades against the Arab Fatimid #caliphate to conquer Jerusalem in 1099. In each of these periods of crusades, the King of the North would win the first battle, but ultimately lose the war. Salah ad-Din, the new King of the South in Egypt, decisively defeated these crusaders in 1187.

The second period of crusades was detailed in verses 29-30. These two verses alone give several very specific details-details which were only fulfilled by the Battle of Lepanto. 1) This naval battle was fought on October 7th, 1571 during a Hebrew religious festival (#moedim) just as the prophecy predicts. 2) The #Ottoman ships came from the south, from their conquest of Kittim in Cyprus to fight the Holy Roman League, the King of the North 3) These Ottoman ships the prophecy describes as tzim, an Egyptian word for oared war galleys that dominated warfare in the Mediterranean for over two millennia. The Ottomans were defeated at this battle, but rebuilt their navy in a few months with more modern sailing ships and ultimately dominated the sea and trade. Grieved by their ultimate loss, the papacy turned its attention to the faithful people of the book, the Ahl al Kitab, the true believers and killed many the following year in what is called; “the St. Bartolemew’s Day Massacre”. The prophecy discusses these reformers, those who instruct many of the lost truths of scriptures, rather than the blasphemies of the King of the North. These faithful are killed by sword and flame by this apostate King of the North, and yet they received protection by the Ottomans, just as predicted.

The stage is being set for the fulfillment of the last five verses of this prophecy. Beginning with verse 40, at the time of the end, the King of the South, who may be the #mahdi who leads a future #caliphate, inflicts a penetrating, deadly wound on the King of the North. This Beast of #Revelation (the #dajjal) responds with a final crusade, conquering many countries including #Egypt, and ultimately sets up his palace in Jerusalem. The remnant of true believers escape north-east, across into Jordan, and rendezvous with the remnant of true believes from Islam. Together, both the children of Isaac & Ishmael, are saved when this crusading King of the North comes to his end and the Kingdom of Yeshua, Isa al Masih is set up for all true believers.


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