[炆系列] 鮑魚花膠燴海參 Braised Abalone w/ Fish Maw & Sea Cucumber

Описание к видео [炆系列] 鮑魚花膠燴海參 Braised Abalone w/ Fish Maw & Sea Cucumber

下面附上 炆鮑魚炆花膠海參食譜
Goyton the Chef has prepared his top 6-star cooking in abalone, fish maw & sea cucumber for CNY! Check out this recipe and cook the most luxurious and scrumptious dish for you and your family
Below attached the Braised Abalone w/ Fish Maw & Sea Cucumber recipe

【鮑魚花膠燴海參 Braised Abalone w/ Fish Maw & Sea Cucumber】 4人份量 For 4 persons
鮑魚 Abalone 4隻/
花膠 Fish Maw 8塊/piece
海參 Sea Cucumber 2條/
唐生菜 Chinese Lettuce 2棵/
鮑魚汁 Abalone Sauce 2公升/litre
蠔油 Oyster Sauce 1湯匙/tbsp.
生粉 Starch Flour 2湯匙/tbsp.
老抽 Dark Soy Sauce 4茶匙/tsp.
薑 Ginger 適量/some
蒜 Garlic 適量/some
米酒 Rice Wine 適量/some
鹽 Salt 適量/some

更多海味教學系列 More video tutorial on dried seafood:
如何浸發花膠? 卅年研究的浸發花膠過程影片教學 How to prepare fish maw in Chinese cooking
   • [海味系列] 花膠 - 製作篇 Fish Maw - Production  

如何扣出鮮味香濃的鮑魚炆海參和六星級的鮑魚汁?鮑魚和海參煮法影片教學 附鮑魚汁食譜 How to braise abalone and sea cucumber in Chinese cooking w/ abalone sauce recipe
   • [炆系列] 窩燒海參扣鮑魚 Braised Abalone with Se...  

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Background music credit: The Best of Nina Simone (full album)


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