Martin Jacques: “When China rules the world, or doesn't”

Описание к видео Martin Jacques: “When China rules the world, or doesn't”

In this rather difficult interview with Martin Jacques, author of “When China rules the world”, I tested him on his thesis that China will indeed “rule the world” and if so, how.

I tried to draw out from the author the specifics of what China’s dominant role will mean in terms of institutional, values and roles, but frankly he had none to offer.

I also tested the idea that perhaps the West is not in decline, that it has its own ability to renew itself. But this line of questions appears to have attracted the Chinese digital vigilante in the comments section below.

As a rule I do not edit comments, but some of the comments below are clearly personal attacks. I now understand why some publishers switch off comments on any rational discussion of China. I continue to welcome alternative views.

These interviews are meant to test ideas and I allow the guest to state his case without interpretation. Viewers who wish to get a sense of my own engagement with China will find them in my other videos and writings.

Full transcript:


Emmanuel Daniel is the award winning founder of The Asian Banker, Wealth and Society and related platforms. He is a global top 50 fintech influencer. His first book The Winning Bank is due out soon and The Winning Civilization in late 2022.

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