Tales of Symphonia (PC) Final Battle & Ending - Japanese VA

Описание к видео Tales of Symphonia (PC) Final Battle & Ending - Japanese VA

Final battle starts at 5:17 and ending starts at 13:15

I don't plan on recording all the ending variations or anything like that. Hell this one probably isn't the best ending either since I didn't choose Kratos for that event in the town of Flanoir. But there are many things that are constant in all the endings. I decided not go my usual overpowered route so I took on the end boss early as possible, and it shows. This is my first time fighting this boss, I didn't even do a trial run before recording the video to see how it'd go. My character levels were in the high 60's - low 70's and I didn't do any of the end game content yet except for Maxwell. His first form almost wipes me out but I persevered and managed to survive somehow. I imagine anyone who has done all the end game stuff...well they would kick the living crap out of this boss.

I also used a program called SKIM64 which fixed a lot of the graphical issues in the PC port. Anyways, at the time of uploading this video I bought Tales of Berseria and I still have Tales of Zestiria to play through. So I'm off to spend a week or two playing that. Cheers!

Official Website: http://www.talesofgame.com
Steam Store: http://store.steampowered.com/app/372360
Humble Store: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/ta...


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