How Healthy Are Your Lungs? Test Yourself This World COPD Day!

Описание к видео How Healthy Are Your Lungs? Test Yourself This World COPD Day!

How well do you know your lungs? This World COPD Day, take a moment to test your lung function. Try holding your breath for 30 seconds—are your lungs in top shape?

Join us in raising awareness about lung health and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Know your lung function, know your health.

Department of Respiratory Medicine:

#KnowYourLungFunction #WorldCOPDDay #LungHealth #BreatheEasy #COPDAwareness #RespiratoryHealth #KnowYourLungs #HealthyLungs #WellnessJourney #BreathTest #StayHealthy #HealthcareAwareness #LungFunction #PreventionIsBetter #HealthMatters #HealthTips


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