Breeding Cannabis Autoflowers or Ruderalis

Описание к видео Breeding Cannabis Autoflowers or Ruderalis

Breeding Cannabis Autoflowers or Ruderalis

Autoflower Advantage
Breeders use Ruderalis genetics to create plants that grow fast (typically around 70 days) from start to finish without you having to change daylength

Autoflowering Trait is Recessive
Autoflowering is a simply trait to observe for growers/breeders
Keep plants in 12/12 light cycle and if it stays vegetative it is an autoflower and not a photoperiod dependent trait

Recessive does not mean bad or negative, it does mean the plant needs two copies (one from the material and one from the paternal line) in order for this trait to be expressed.

Backcross Breeding
Backcrossing is a crossing of a hybrid with one of its parents or an individual genetically similar to its parent, in order to achieve offspring with a genetic identity which is closer to that of the parent.

Backcrossed hybrids are sometimes described with acronym "BC", for example, an F1 hybrid crossed with one of its parents (or a genetically similar individual) can be termed a BC1 hybrid, and a further cross of the BC1 hybrid to the same parent (or a genetically similar individual) produces a BC2 hybrid.

This breeding process is more restricted to recessive traits
Breeding Autoflower with True Breeding Photodependent
It follows the shown pattern of inheritance

All of the offspring will be heterozygotes which means…
All will be Photodependent (since it is a dominate trait)
*but all will be Carriers for the autoflower trait
This is the F1 generation

Breeding F1 x F1
It follows the shown pattern of inheritance
Offspring of desired trait will need to be selected for
75% will be Photodependent (since it is a dominate trait)
25% will be Autoflowers
This is the F2 generation

Breeding F2 Generation and Beyond
Continued breeding and selecting will increase the amount of autoflowers in the population.

Keep in mind that you may also want to watch the other plant characteristics (morphology, chemical profiles,…) to ensure you do not produce an autoflower that does not offer any other benefits.

Often this is done for 5-9 generations
2nd generation = 25% Autoflower
3rd generation = 50% Autoflower
4th generation = 75% Autoflower
5th generation = 87.5% Autoflower
6th generation = 93.75% Autoflower
7th generation = 96.875% Autoflower
8th generation = 98.375% Autoflower
9th generation = 99+% Autoflower

Breeding Can Get Complicated
Many traits are polygenic, meaning there are multiple genes involved in the observed phenotype.

While the basic roles of dominate and recessive still play a role the combination of multiple genes will result in what is observed in the final plant.

This is why is may take more than simply three generations of selection to stabilize the autoflowering trait, but the basics still hold true and should provide a good starting point.

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Title: Breeding Cannabis Autoflowers or Ruderalis
Backcrossing Breeding
F1 x F1
Can Get Complicated

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