Agones + Quilkin: Kubernetes Game Server Orchestration and UDP Service Mesh - Mark Mandel

Описание к видео Agones + Quilkin: Kubernetes Game Server Orchestration and UDP Service Mesh - Mark Mandel

Agones + Quilkin: Kubernetes Game Server Orchestration and UDP Service Mesh - Mark Mandel, Google Cloud

Dedicated game servers for multiplayer games tend to be built as one monolith, and exposed at an address for clients to connect to. This has the issues of being a single point of failure, an easy target for attack, and the game server having to handle all the aspects of game communication, including authentication, security, telemetry and more. Communication proxies are a pattern for alleviating some of these issues, by pulling aspects of security, authentication and telemetry and turning them into commodity services that can be run independently of the applications that run behind them. Previously we’ve looked at Agones, a platform for orchestrating game servers on Kubernetes, but in this talk we’ll introduce Quilkin, an open source proxy specifically built by Embark Studios and Google Cloud to work with multiplayer communications, to provide solutions for the problems outlined above as well as managing the non-standard nature of these UDP communications. We’ll also look at how we implemented an xDS compliant API for Quilkin, and simplified the integration between Agones and Quilkin so that end users don’t have to implement their own xDS management server, resulting in a service mesh for UDP communication for multiplayer games that can scale with its game server workload.


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