Agoutis Love Seeds

Описание к видео Agoutis Love Seeds

The Agouti is a 3 kilogram rodent that is active by day in the understory of the rainforest of the neotropics. They feed mostly on seeds and fruit but also fungus and insects. Agoutis bury seeds in the time of plenty and then dig them up when food is scarce. They mate for life which means the marriage lasts for about 2-3 years before some predator eats them. Without predators they can live more than 15 years. Agoutis hang out in dens in the ground, hollow tree trunks, and under logs. Although the pair of Agoutis shares a territory of about 4 hectares they sleep in separate rooms. Between one and three young are born every year but few survive the first year after leaving the den. It's a tough life in the rainforest.


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