National Assembly questioning about Dec. 3 rescheduled after key gov't officials decide...

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National Assembly questioning about Dec. 3 rescheduled after key gov't officials decide fail to appear

국회 운영위, '비상계엄' 증인 전원 불출석에 30일 현안질의 열기로

Some two dozen officials and presidential aides failed to show up at opposition-arranged parliamentary hearings slated for this Thursday at the National Assembly citing state affairs.
Our political correspondent Lee Shi-hoo has more.

All 22 key government officials and close aides to President Yoon, who were requested to appear at the National Assembly on Thursday to answer lawmakers' questions about the December 3rd declaration of martial law, chose not to show up.

"Our committee intended to check the facts regarding the current serious situation, by requesting the attendance and asking questions of officials, including the chief of staff to the president, the national security advisor, the director of national policy, and the chief of the Presidential Security Service. But none of them are in attendance. I cannot but deplore the behavior of the Presidential Office."

The House Steering Committee, which was boycotted by the ruling People Power Party members, rescheduled the questioning to December 30th.
The absentee officials were once again notified that they should appear on that day.

Lawmaker Park Hyeung-soo, the PPP chief deputy floor leader, told reporters on Thursday that the ruling party and the Presidential Office have decided not to participate in a "session unilaterally scheduled by the Democratic Party."
He added that the Presidential Office is currently busy reporting to Acting President Han Duck-soo, and therefore officials there were unable to attend the session.

This, as National Assembly Speaker Woo Won-shik held a press conference with foreign correspondents, and reiterated the Assembly's determination "to facilitate the procedure of the impeachment trial" of President Yoon and have "democracy fully restored in the country" thanks to the South Korean people who support them.

"The source of the resilience of South Korea's democracy is these people, and this is why South Korea is strong."

Speaker Woo also shared that he sent letters to parliamentary leaders following the emergency at the Assembly earlier this month, and said he will continue to make efforts to enhance parliamentary diplomacy.

Lee Shi-hoo, Arirang News.

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2024-12-19, 17:00 (KST)


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