Non-averaged 3D structure of a single tetra-nucleosome arrays by Na+ and H1 by cryo-ET and IPET

Описание к видео Non-averaged 3D structure of a single tetra-nucleosome arrays by Na+ and H1 by cryo-ET and IPET

Conformational changes in tetra-nucleosome induced by 50 mM Na+ and H1 revealed by cryo-ET without averaging. Individual-particle 3D structures reveal conformational changes in tetra-nucleosome arrays induced by increased Na+ concentration and in the presence of H1. For details, please read the paper: Zhang, M., Díaz-Celis, C., Liu, J. et al. Angle between DNA linker and nucleosome core particle regulates array compaction revealed by individual-particle cryo-electron tomography. Nat Commun 15, 4395 (2024).


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