The Heart of Synthetic Biology - iGEM Grand Jamboree, Paris | 2023 Aftermovie

Описание к видео The Heart of Synthetic Biology - iGEM Grand Jamboree, Paris | 2023 Aftermovie

The iGEM 2023 Grand Jamboree brought together over 4000 people to celebrate 20 years of iGEM, the heart of synthetic biology. This was the largest event to date, attended by synthetic biology researchers, industry reps, startup founders, investors, journalists, experts in governance and policy, and the general public, to glimpse the future of synthetic biology. 400 teams from 50 countries presented synthetic biology projects targeting humanity’s most pressing problems in 12 villages, Climate Crisis, Environment, Bioremediation, Biomanufacturing to name a few.

Alongside iGEM Competition, the 2023 Grand Jamboree hosted the Bioinnovation Fair and the Startup Showcase with more than 50 synbio startups with 150 people attending, the Responsibility Conference with 150 representatives and the first iGEM BioHackathon with over 100 participants and 4 challenges.

The 2024 Grand Jamboree, the World Expo of Synthetic Biology will return October 23-26, 2024, in the Paris Expo - Porte de Versailles.

Registrations for the 2024 iGEM Competition are now open at

The 2023 Grand Jamboree was featured in Le Monde:

Learn more about the 2023 Grand Jamboree:


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