Kalia Tapioca Gummies

Описание к видео Kalia Tapioca Gummies

Tapioca gummies for sweet coconut dessert/tricolor dessert as shown in my picture. These are unflavored and unsweeten since the dessert is already sweet.

These can be made with just tapioca starch and boiling water, or with glutinous rice flour added or with both glutinous rice flour and regular rice flour added. For tapioca starch only I unfortunately do not have an exact measurement.

The tool used is call gnocchi tool or cavatelli pasta maker. You can also use a new clean comb as well.

1 cup tapioca starch
1/3 cup glutinous rice flour
1/2 tsp rice flour
1/2 cups boiling water (must be boiling not just hot) ***video had wrong amount as 2 cups
Few drops food coloring of choice

Music by @ikson
Music: As Leaves Falls
Musician: @iksonofficial
Music by    / ikson  


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