Beautiful Octopus and a lesson hopefully learned 11.24.24

Описание к видео Beautiful Octopus and a lesson hopefully learned 11.24.24

A year ago last summer, I had a life altering experience following an octopus for nearly 30 minutes. A diver in our group spotted this one and I was going for an all time record. I followed it for about 45 minutes but around 42 in, my main GoPro battery died. I quickly got out my spare and shot these 3 minutes. A couple days later, I stupidly hadn't backed up my Hero 12 and it fell out of my BCD pocket and I lost ALL the video from the first 10 days of diving including the first 42 minutes. I am still devastated by it and if anyone finds a Hero 12 at the Rock Pile dive site at Klein Bonaire, I just want the memory card and you can have the camera. So many special moments were on that card that are irreplaceable. It is like someone tore away part of my life and memories.

Attempting to save my experiences and memories so they won't be lost in mists of time.



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