Kharabak Dauntless Trial - Solo

Описание к видео Kharabak Dauntless Trial - Solo

Here we have the first solo trial to ever be finished without the behemoth enraging. Such power creep :/

We are in another one of the easiest trials ever. Here are the reasons I provided in my previous Kharabak trial video that explain why this trial is easy:

1. Kharabak is tied for the lowest hp trials behemoth with Skraev, both at 88k base hp
2. Kharabak goes nighty-night after staggers and interrupts (interrupts which he feeds to you repeatedly once you reach the 1-minute mark)
3. Malkarion weapons (Kharabak's weak element) have a lot of elemental shock damage loaded into the legendary ability, and prismatic slots.
4. The Trials modifiers do pretty much nothing, Titan's Crash ignores tough hide damage reduction. The shock snails sometimes steal damage meant for the wasp tho.
5. You don't have to wait around on the platform for any special timings
6. Kharabak is easily staggered at the beginning of the fight.

I really wish I had recorded my 36-second run that is currently on the leaderboards, but Shadowplay wasn't working at the time. It looked exactly like this kill up until the second break at which point he died at the 36-second mark. The only way for me to get more damage to kill him slightly earlier is crits from Discipline and that's really boring to grind for.

Subscribe for more Trials kills and other Dauntless content if you enjoyed!

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Build for solo:

Build for groups: My teammates don't want me to share builds that they came up with, until the last day of this cycle, sorry. Check this video again on Wednesday if you still want the builds :)


RYLLZ - Nemesis
   • RYLLZ - Nemesis  

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