경복궁 고즈넉한 눈 내리는 겨울 풍경, 서울 경복궁 여행, 한파주의보, 서울여행워커.

Описание к видео 경복궁 고즈넉한 눈 내리는 겨울 풍경, 서울 경복궁 여행, 한파주의보, 서울여행워커.

뽀드득 뽀드득 눈을 밟으며 경복궁을 걸으면 치유의 길을 가는듯 합니다.
내일부터 전국적으로 대설특보와 눈폭탄, 영하 10도의 최강한파가 예상된다고
합니다. 요즘 감기도 유행이오니 건강유의하시고 행복한 새해 되십시오.
폭설이 내리는 아름다운 경복궁과 향원정의 아름다운 설경을 함께 감상해 보시죠.
끝까지 시청해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

Walking through Gyeongbokgung Palace while stepping on the snow, it feels like walking on a path of healing.
Starting tomorrow, a heavy snow warning, snow bombs, and the strongest cold wave of -10 degrees Celsius are expected nationwide.
It is said that colds are also prevalent these days, so take care of your health and have a happy new year.
Let's enjoy the beautiful Gyeongbokgung Palace and Hyangwonjeong's beautiful snowy scenery together while the heavy snow falls.
I would appreciate it if you could watch until the end.

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It is a great help in showing beautiful scenery and healing destinations.
With ‘Seoul Travel Walker’, even a long way becomes closer.
Have a nice day. (^_^)v

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폭설,경복궁,경복궁 설경,서울폭설,한파주의보,대설특보, 최대 40센치,한파,한파주의보, 최강한파,역대급폭설,대설주의보,교통마비,도로혼잡,광화문,눈보라 곳곳마비,교통정체,한파,강추위,눈내리는 풍경,폭설,일기예보,서울 여행,눈보라 소리, 눈 소리,Snow Asmr,Snow Ambience,Heavy snowfall,Heavy snow, Gyeongbokgung Palace, Seoul heavy snow, record-breaking snowfall, traffic paralysis, blizzard paralysis, traffic congestion, cold wave, strong cold, snowy scenery, heavy snow, weather forecast, Seoul travel, blizzard sound, snow sounds,snowy landscape, The sound of a blizzard, the sound of snow,heavy snow, weather forecast, Seoul travel Seoul travel, Seoul trip,Seoul trip,Seoul Travel,Seoul 4K,4K HDR,Seoul Travel Walker.


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