How to create paging from mobile phone to your speakers - Paging Gateway to IPAC

Описание к видео How to create paging from mobile phone to your speakers - Paging Gateway to IPAC

00:07 - Paging Gateway M400
00:13 - Paging Gateway Web Configuration - BARP settings
00:24 - IP Former TPA400 IPAC - Paging Source Configuration
00:28 - Exstreamer MPA400 IPAC - Paging Source Configuration
00:32 - Annuncicom MPI400 - How to setup an IC Paging source
01:05 - Paging Gateway Group Setup - Every group corresponds to a target device
01:36 - Access the Paging Gateway Interface for the intended user
01:48 - Paging target groups selection
01:57 - Pre-recorded message paging (other Paging options include: “Live Page” and “Record & Page”)
02:03 - IPAC target groups play the message sent
02:30 - How to access the Paging Interface with a smartphone via User’s QR Code
02:40 - Scan of the QR code
02:49 - Paging Gateway interface accessed from the smartphone
02:52 - Page a pre-recorded message to a single target group


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