Growing moss on bonsai 🟢 Collecting and planting moss for free (S03-E02)

Описание к видео Growing moss on bonsai 🟢 Collecting and planting moss for free (S03-E02)

It's a beautifull misty day and that makes it perfect to find moss.
Green moss is everywhere if you stop and look.
And it's very easy to collect moss even in urban areas.
I will show you how to plant moss on a bonsai pot and how to collect moss
I will be using two kinds of moss. One for the top layer and one for the bottom to act like a base for he green moss to grab on to and thrive.
Planting moss on bonsai pots is very important.
Not only looks good, but it's the most efficient natural filter for hard water.
The moss takes time to develop so take care of it for a few months.
Keep it moist and away from direct sun.

Minor With Cricket by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


#greenmoss #moss #bonsai

Recently decided to switch to english so bare with me.
Until recently I made videos for Romania, the country I live in. So I have a lot of clips in romanian. But this will change from now on. Thank you and please subscribe to Ra Bonsai.
Bonsai care, bonsai making. How to care for your indoor bonsai. How to water a bonsai, fertilize a bonsai.
Indoor bonsai species, bonsai repotting, bonsai pruning and many more.


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