Up We Go! - Thanksgiving Deer Hunting for Sitka Blacktail

Описание к видео Up We Go! - Thanksgiving Deer Hunting for Sitka Blacktail

Come With Me in this video as we Hike High Up in Steep Country in search of the elusive Sitka Black Tail Deer.

In This video I hike high, and we come into some really impressive deer country with endless criss crossed heavy tracks, sign, deer beds.

I overcome 3 big obstacles on my way up the steep hillside, and per usual.

I am greatly rewarded with wonderful muskeg meadows.

The deer are all bedded down inside small clumps of brush.

I regretfully, do not capture any footage of live deer, or shoot a deer in this video!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! And we are going up again.

I Always Hunt Thanksgiving. I bought another type of deer call today.

Please Click the Like and Subscribe Buttons Below and check back here to Come With Me for Tomorrows Hunt, and our Upcoming Logging/Milling/and Building Videos.

Thank You For Watching

Sterling C Chew

Second Growth Homes LLC


[email protected]



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