ASMR Fingertip Tapping

Описание к видео ASMR Fingertip Tapping

I typically like deep tapping such as finger tip tapping over nail tapping. In this back to back video series, I decided to experiment with finger tip and nail tapping. The next video will be a nail tapping video, let me know which you prefer. Hope you enjoy!

00:00 Intro/Hand Sounds
01:30 Therapy/Fitness Ball
03:46 Book
06:27 USB Extender
07:53 Beats Headphones
09:49 iPad
11:32 Celsius Can
12:07 Outro w/ Can

💤 What is ASMR?
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is a relaxing tingling sensation caused by auditory sounds, visuals, and many more.

📩 Contact Me
Email: [email protected]


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